
Showing posts from August, 2019

CIA refuses to release files on Jean Souetre

Why would the CIA still refuse to release their records on Jean Souetre, the man who I believe shot Kennedy ?   The CIA need not release records an attorney believes will shed light on the assassinations of John F. and Robert Kennedy, a Ninth Circuit panel  ruled  Tuesday. Without hearing oral argument, the panel affirmed summary judgment to the CIA in Anthony Bothwell’s Freedom of Information Act complaint. Bothwell , a San Francisco attorney who graduated from and taught at the John F. Kennedy College of Law in Pleasant Hill,  sued the CIA  in November 2013, seeking CIA records related to five people rumored to be involved with the assassinations. The appeal concerns two of those people. The first is Jean Souetre, a French sniper who was rumored to be involved with the attempted assassination of Gen. Charles de Gaulle, and also was rumored to be in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, the day JFK was shot. The CIA  refused  to confirm or ...

Jean Souetre - The Man Who Shot Kennedy

The identity of the gunman who killed Kennedy was Jean Souetre.  Whether he took the shots that Oswald is supposed to have taken, from the Dallas Texas Schoool Book Depository or whether he fired from the infamous Grassy Knoll, I do not know. I suspect that Oswald fired some of the shots, Souetre the other shots or that Souetre was the actual person who fired from the Book Depository.   Jean Souetre was a personal acquaintance of General Edwin Walker.    General Edwin Walker controlled the plot. He lived in Dallas , Texas. The place where Kennedy was killed. Dallas was General Walkers base of operations. Hence why the assassination took place there. Walker had so many allies in the police etc that he would be able to control events after the assassination eg organising the killing of Oswald via Jack Ruby.  Being outside the army at the time of the assassination meant General Walker was able to work out of sight with General Lansdale who w...

General Edward Lansdale - the man who ran the conspiracy that killed President Kennedy.

Image above - the Three Tramps photograph taken after the Kennedy shooting. Image above - Close up the man in the three tramps photograph alleged to be General Edward Lansdale. Image above - comparison of Lansdale and man in the three tramps photograph. Image above -  Man identified as General Lansdale by Colonel Prouty and Lt. General Victor Krulak. "The haircut, the stoop, the twisted left hand, the large class ring.  It's Lansdale." - Lt. Gen. Victor Krulak. Image above - General Edward Landale In late 1961, President Kennedy put Lansdale in charge of Operation Mongoose, his administration’s secret effort to overthrow Fidel Castro’s government in Cuba. Mongoose was a failure, and Lansdale was relieved of his duties in late 1962. The late Col. Fletcher Prouty, briefing officer for the Secretary of Defense in 1960-61, claimed that  Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza  on November 22, 1963. The man Prouty claims w...