
Showing posts with the label Eugene Dinkin

Jean Souetre - The Man Who Shot Kennedy

The identity of the gunman who killed Kennedy was Jean Souetre.  Whether he took the shots that Oswald is supposed to have taken, from the Dallas Texas Schoool Book Depository or whether he fired from the infamous Grassy Knoll, I do not know. I suspect that Oswald fired some of the shots, Souetre the other shots or that Souetre was the actual person who fired from the Book Depository.   Jean Souetre was a personal acquaintance of General Edwin Walker.    General Edwin Walker controlled the plot. He lived in Dallas , Texas. The place where Kennedy was killed. Dallas was General Walkers base of operations. Hence why the assassination took place there. Walker had so many allies in the police etc that he would be able to control events after the assassination eg organising the killing of Oswald via Jack Ruby.  Being outside the army at the time of the assassination meant General Walker was able to work out of sight with General Lansdale who was in operational charge of t