Why the EU wants a No Deal Brexit to cause an UK & EU economic collapse.
I am not one of those that peddle an anti-EU narrative that sees EU leaders and elected representatives of the EU Parliament as akin to Alien Reptilians with an agenda based on subjugating all of humanity into slavery. I see them merely as over paid puppets of the Bankers and Corporations who put their own financial and political self interests first and before the interests of the people and nations of Europe. Hence a major problem with No Deal Brexit. A No Deal Brexit on October 31st is not the end of the process of Brexit, is is just the start of a decades long process of radical legal change in the UK. And herein lies the problem. A No Deal Brexit will require a systematic rewrite, renegotiation and redrafting of 50 years of UK law re every piece of EU law in effect in the UK. At the same time it will signal the start of renegotiations with the EU re every piece of former EU treaty laws, legislation and EU rules operating in the UK. The opposite method re transposition ...