
Showing posts from July, 2019

Why the EU wants a No Deal Brexit to cause an UK & EU economic collapse.

I am not one of those that peddle an anti-EU narrative that sees EU leaders and elected representatives of the EU Parliament as akin to Alien Reptilians with an agenda based on subjugating all of humanity into slavery. I see them merely as over paid puppets of the Bankers and Corporations who put their own financial and political self interests first and before the interests of the people and nations of Europe. Hence a major problem with No Deal Brexit. A No Deal Brexit on October 31st is not the end of the process of Brexit, is is just the start of a decades long process of radical legal change in the UK. And herein lies the problem. A No Deal Brexit will require a systematic rewrite, renegotiation and redrafting of 50 years of UK law re every piece of EU law in effect in the UK. At the same time it will signal the start of renegotiations with the EU re every piece of former EU treaty laws, legislation and EU rules operating in the UK. The opposite method re transposition ...

Baltimore - The Real Reason for the inner city crisis

According to President Trump the problem with Baltimore being a crime ridden, economically devastated, rubbish strewn post apocalyptic hellhole is due to 'Democrats'. The fact that Democrats run Atherton in California with the most expensive ZIP code for buying property in the USA is ignored by Trump and his supporters. Yet when we look at the relationship between the Republicans and poverty in the USA another picture becomes clear. " Eighteen of the 19 poorest states have legislatures where both chambers are Republican controlled. New Mexico (46th richest, fifth poorest) is Democratic. But there isn’t another blue or purple state until you get to purple Maine (31st richest, 20th poorest) with its “split” legislature of one party in each chamber. All the states in between (such as Tennessee and Florida) are Republican, both chambe...

The Trump Legacy will be Racial Terrorists in The Republican Party.

The Trump Legacy will be Racial Terrorists in The Republican Party. One of the most interesting trends recently, and totally unreported in the mainstream media or reflected by conservative right commentators, is the ongoing trend of Trump supporting former Democratic supporters who are Black, importing the race based rhetoric and violence they learnt in the Democratic Party and from Liberals into the Republican Party. Large sections of the working class African American / Black Community in the US have always been racist as regards hatred for Mexicans, who are seen as economic competitors with working class Blacks in communities where they live side by side. At the same time many sections of the middle class Black Christian evangelical fundamentalist movements have been viciously racist towards Muslims. Formerly these groups held their noses and voted en masse for the Democrats. Now they are voting for Trump. Trump has set out from the start to steal the b...