The Trump Legacy will be Racial Terrorists in The Republican Party.

The Trump Legacy will be Racial Terrorists in The Republican Party.

One of the most interesting trends recently, and totally unreported in the mainstream media or reflected by conservative right commentators, is the ongoing trend of Trump supporting former Democratic supporters who are Black, importing the race based rhetoric and violence they learnt in the Democratic Party and from Liberals into the Republican Party.

Large sections of the working class African American / Black Community in the US have always been racist as regards hatred for Mexicans, who are seen as economic competitors with working class Blacks in communities where they live side by side.

At the same time many sections of the middle class Black Christian evangelical fundamentalist movements have been viciously racist towards Muslims.

Formerly these groups held their noses and voted en masse for the Democrats. Now they are voting for Trump.

Trump has set out from the start to steal the black vote from the Democrats. His First Steps program was based on releasing black criminals from prison as a way to garner support from Black celebrities as a way to assist in capturing the Black vote.

With his release from prison of the feted black criminal Alice Marie Johnson, the Trump plan took off. With Kim Kardashian at the Whitehouse and Kanye West tweeting support for Trump, their armies of Black followers followed suit.

The plan worked. Black support for the Dems began to ebb away and flow into the Republican Party.

The Trump economic boom also began to benefit Blacks as they began to get jobs.

But unfortunately for Trump as these New Black Republicans decamped from the Democrats and marched en masse in the GOP, they have also brought with them the same racist mindset, racial language and racist terrorism skills learnt from Liberals in the Democratic Party.

And they have already started using it against White Liberals who are now opposing Trump.

Tomorrow they will start to use it against White Republicans who oppose them.

The Republicans have always had Black Republicans, but they are not like this new breed of former Democrats. The old Black Republicans were those who refused to deploy the vicious race based rhetoric of the Left, and instead stood for Republican ideals and American ideals.

Their defining feature was to rise on their talents whilst refusing to demean themselves by utilising their race as a bargaining chip for extra rights or to attain jobs they were not qualified for via patronising politically correct affirmative action employment programs.

Common decency, personal integrity and pride prevented them using the rhetoric of race as way to personally benefit themselves.

They got to to the top of the Republican Party as they deserved on their skill and talents to be there. Not because they used their race as a way to terrorise others out of the way as they clawed their way to the top.

Not so the New Black Republicans. They have been trained, indoctrinated and self defined by their use of race and the rhetoric of racism. The fact that most of them are defined and motivated by racism eg against Muslims and Mexicans, is what makes them so dangerous to the White Republicans.

Not that the White Republicans can see what is happening though.

They still have their Trump blinkers on and unlimited credit card funds to spend in Trumps Credit Boom Economy built on abandoning governmental fiscal responsibility and expanding the national debt.

The case of A£AP Rocky is a defining moment in US politics.

The real reason for Trumps involvement in the case, as support for his friend Ari Emanuel who is the owner of Rockys management team, is hidden behind the racialisation of the case as promoted by Trump.

Trump excoriates the Swedish prime minister for refusing to break Swedish criminal law and Swedish Constitutional law and release Rocky from prison.

Trump says the Swedish Prime Minister is letting down the African American community in America by not releasing a violent Black thug on trial for assault.

Trumps aim is to use the Rocky case as a way to continue to garner Black support for himself. And it is working.

On the social media various videos have gone viral that reveal the true nature of the New Black Republicans.

One of them was a Trump supporting member of a Black street gang holding an automatic assault rifle and threatening to kill anyone who opposes Trump.

Another is of a Black Trump supporter with a few friends hurling racist abuse at White and Black people in a park who do not support Trump.

Another is of an elderly White Liberal being racially abused by a Black Trump supporter for not supporting Trumps wall.

The more these race baiting former black liberals enter the Republican Party, the more the racial terrorism will accelerate. 

The A£AP Rocky hysteria generated by Trump now includes people being arrested for making bomb threats against the Swedish embassy in America.

America is now on the edge of a Race War. but not one defined by the Black Versus White Paradigm. 

It is a Race War within politics as well as on the streets.

It will be a race war of militant Black Republicans taking on defensive and weak White Republicans.

It will be Trump supporting Black gang bangers in the inner cities waging street wars with machine guns against rival Mexican drug gangs.

It will be Black Christian fundamentalists marching alongside Zionist extremists demanding the expulsion of Muslims from America.

As the Multi-Cultural Melting Pot starts to implode, the divisions and cracks in American society based on racial divisions will also start to grow.      

This will be Trumps Legacy.

Trump has brought into the Republican Party a rump of former Liberal racist terrorists. This group of racist terrorists define themselves by their race, are united by threads of racial hatred and are masters at using the rhetoric of racial terrorism for their own ends.

They are directing their racial hatred primarily at White Liberal Democrats who oppose Trump at the moment. But in time they will start to turn their hatred towards White Republicans who oppose Trump.

Then they will began to turn their hatred at White Republicans who oppose them.

The Racial Power Game is now set to consume the Republican Party.


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